I have just got back from a deliciously lazy week in Portugal, where I did not trouble myself to do anything except read, eat and lie in the sun! Absolute bliss! Yes I did watch some of the prime moments of the Olympics and talk to my family also but still! I gorged myself on books which is heaven on earth for me!
Firstly I must recommend the Mortal Instruments series
www.cassandraclare.com, the first of which "City of Bones" I had read in the month prior to my trip - giving me time to visit my local library and borrow the 2 books which followed. I enjoy Harry Potter and all manner of vampire and wereweolf stories, so this book was right up my street, but as I read it I felt strong echoes from Star Wars too! I lap up Supernatural the TV series and loved Constantine [what's not to like about Keanu Reeves all 'kick-ass' and yet on such a self-destructive path?] so I was a 'rapt' audience who had
done her homework for most of the legends and concepts.
The main
Shadowhunter characters are so sassy and 'together' that is sometimes hard to remember that they are teenagers,but who wouldn't have wanted to be like Isabelle or the
golden Jace in their fumbling youth? Clary and Simon are refreshingly human in their teen confusions and insecurities and soon some interesting love 'dynamics' develop. I have no complaints characters wearing their hearts on their sleeves and putting their emotions under a microscope in the context of a teen plot - it only becomes wearying in more adult stories where I sometimes feeling a touch of scorn that the main character is not more worldly-wise.

Suffice it to say that I raced through books 2 and 3 City of Ashes, City of Glass, as if I was gorging myself on a giant bar of delicious chocolate (Toblerone perhaps?!) Thank goodness Cassandra Clare has written more of their adventures, and 2 prequels to satisfy my appetite. Apparently there is a film next year (of the first book) but I shall watch it with trepidation - who hasn't ground their teeth in despair when the hero and/or heroine is nothing like the person they had visualised? or found that the complex layers which make a book so wonderful to immerse oneself in get stripped away and made less subtle for a film-going audience? But still, you have to watch it to see for yourself don't you?!